A shiny new site

As many of you already know, Mekanism is no longer hosted on universalelectricity.com (as it has been for the past year now).   Since I have decided to drop UE support for the next primary release of Mekanism, Calclavia thought it would be best that I purchase my own host.  So far, I’m really happy he suggested that – I’m loving my new site! :)

I’ve purchased GoDaddy hosting and installed WordPress to start; so far it has been a very smooth process of getting it set up.  Jenkins hosting will soon be moved, and before long everything will be completely transitioned over.  I’m hoping I can get a wiki started at some point as I think the lack of documentation has been what holds Mekanism down the most.  My hope is that this website will be a public repository of all my software, as well as somewhere that I can make a blog post now and then.

Since I have this blog now, I guess I should publicly clarify a few things, specifically all the confusion surrounding Mekanism’s drop of UE.  As a user, this will not matter at all to you.  You will literally not experience any change with UE not in use, as Mekanism uses it’s own universal framework 100% of the time when it is processing foreign energy transfer.  The only difference is that I now have to worry about integration with one less API, which is a very good thing.  Don’t worry!

Aside from all this, my brilliant co-developer (unpairedbracket) and I have some awesome stuff in development for the release of Mekanism v6, which is just around the corner.  Can’t wait to see some people messing around with it once it’s ready.

Happy new years, everyone!

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