I’m in Love with San Francisco

It’s not my first time here.  I was no less enthralled before.  It’s different this time, though…

It’s partly the people, partly the city’s unique culture, and partly the lovely weather.  I also love that every other billboard is advertising a startup tech company I’ve never heard of.  Maybe it’s also that the tech industry has grappled itself around the fantastic San Francisco skyline (which, in my opinion, is unmatched anywhere else in the U.S.), and the nearby cities of San Jose and Palo Alto.  Regardless, this city has pulled me in and I don’t ever want to leave.

Of course, I don’t live here.  I live on the opposite coast in a city that is also beginning to rise with tech-driven economic power.  The aura that resonates from Atlanta, however, is far less attractive than that I have experienced here – just walking down the roads of this fantastic California city, I feel like I’m at home.

I have one week left to make the most of my time here until I make the sad journey “home.”  Not nearly enough time to take it all in, but just enough to entice me to return.


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